You know all the postal boxes that you get in the mail? Maybe this came as an idea to you already, but why not turn them into storage bins instead of throwing them away? You know, all those magazines that you have lying around and hiding under the bed.

Pretty much I took one of those boxes and cut it into an organizational folder type thing. A decent size to fit all my folders and things.

I took all my magazines (and I've been collecting a lot. Probably mostly to do things like this) and got to cutting and gluing until I had the whole thing covered. It was a lot of fun to do and once I was done I had extra storing space, something that's definitely needed for me.

And here's another thing I'm sure you thought of too, but once again I had a lot of fun with. I remember it being so cool to have the pretty folders and notebooks and usually just getting the solid colored ones with no designs. One day, a crazy notion popped in my head (no sarcasm there :P), decorate my own folders and notebooks. So out with the glue and magazine clippings I went again. Also for a more finished touch I added tape, makes it a little more glossier and stable.
Now who would have been able to come up with as brilliant of an idea as that? Good thing you had my blog to come to!